Yesterday I saw my surgeon-the amputation was a fail. The darn median nerve continues to curse my days and sleep. It went five days nonstop. Doc gave me no less than EIGHT lidocaine shots yesterday to shut it down. By the time he was done I couldn't feel any part of my right foot EXCEPT THE NERVE PAIN. I mean, it practically defies nature. The other possibility according to the million dollar nerve conduction equipment is that there are severely damaged small to medium fiber peripheral nerves in the skin that was used to close up the amputation.
Anyway, THIS IS WAR (as my BIL used to say)
End of story is I'm going in for another surgery. I'll let you know when it is. He's cutting the median nerve in two new places and ripping out the skin used to cover up where the toe is amputated and stretching what's left to use. He may have to graft later if it doesn't take and I get a wound problem. Ah, another risk I'm willing to take-wound problems. Like I said, "THIS IS WAR" and I'm not backin down until this nerve is gone for good.
I know what your thinking but I'm actually very lucky to have a surgeon willing to go thrice trying to help me. This is his last suggestion, after that-he is outta ideas. You've got to remember I am a complicated case with circulating immune complexes causing inflammation in my blood vessels that press on nerves and damage them. This is my particular present from lupus.
So.......that's whats happening. :)