it is. Tendonitis in the hamstring. NO, I did not fall even though
YES, I am a klutz. And NO, I did not get punched! (except by lupus)
woke up a couple days ago and Surprise- OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
It's hot, swollen and yes, painful. It's a pulling type of pain, from
around my calfs up to my lower thighs and back of my leg. My doc is
scheduling a cortisone shot which will deflate the inflammation and the
pain asap. I'm also taking steroids and anti-inflammatories. It
helps. Alot. Ice is indicated for inflammation as well.
tried to get a selfie of this but ended up tangled and unbalanced like
you get playing Twister! Finally got hubbie to snap a photo-it even
shocks ME & it's on my body!
So for those who question what
kind of inflammation mixed connective tissue disease causes- tendonitis
is just one of em! Lupus is a mixed connective tissue disease-and our
bodies are made of this material-so it's all up for lupus damage grabs,
lol. Two days of bedrest and a few shots isn't so bad-
"Housebound is no worse than earthbound it's what you make of it."
Here's some more info on hamstring tendonitis & lupus connective tissue damage from Medicine Net:
tissue diseases are actually a group of medical diseases. A connective
tissue disease is any disease that has the connective tissues of the
body as a primary target of pathology. The connective tissues are the
structural portions of our body that essentially hold the cells of the
body together. These tissues form a framework, or matrix, for the body.
The connective tissues are composed of two major structural protein
molecules, collagen and elastin. There are many different types of
collagen protein that vary in amount in each of the body's tissues.
Elastin has the capability of stretching and returning to its original
length -- like a spring or rubber band. Elastin is the major component
of ligaments (tissues that attach bone to bone) and skin. In patients
with connective tissue diseases, it is common for collagen and elastin
to become injured by inflammation.
Many connective tissue diseases
feature abnormal immune system activity with inflammation in tissues as
a result of an immune system that is directed against one's own body
tissues (autoimmunity).
Diseases in which inflammation or weakness
of collagen tends to occur are also referred to as collagen diseases.
Collagen vascular disease is a somewhat antiquated term used to describe
diseases of the connective tissues that typically include diseases that
can be (but are not necessarily) associated with blood vessel
For those people who are lupus sufferer and maybe reading this, I find it hard that people are still ignorant when it comes to LUPUS and have no idea what the illness is all about and still flippant about it even in the medical world.
After my daughter collapsed at home she was seen by one of the Consultants in the Lupus Unit who performed more tests and confirmed that she was negative with the Anti-RO antibodies. when I was told this, as I was slowly thinking I was losing my marbles and this was all in my head.
The Doctor prescribed a course of treatment but said that it would take about 8-9 months for the drugs to start working. I felt relieved to think that there was light at the end of the tunnel but still quite daunted by her having to cope feeling the way. After 2months of taken the medication the symptoms seemed to get worse, She had fevers, cold sweats, chest pains, constantly nauseous and she was finding it difficult to breathe. Her Doctor thought that the difficulty breathing may have been caused by one of the anti-inflammatory drugs and stopped them straight away.
But Everything started to get easier from the point we came across Justin Herbal Medicine. When I first contacted Justin he told us that the drugs they'd used had aggravated the Lupus and caused it to flare more badly. The miraculous new treatment (Herbal Medicine) was for her to start the medicine sooner which was my thoughts, which of course was helpful.
His medicine is very effective, she experienced no symptoms for the past 1year. If you/your relative have same problem, do not expose yourself to more danger, use a herbal remedy that is safe and effective. Contact him directly for more info. with this address: